Exams ki taiyaree - Latest Hindi comedy Video by Dr. Jagdish Chaturvedi
Exams ki taiyaree - Latest Hindi comedy Video by Dr. Jagdish Chaturvedi
This latest hindi comedy videos is a part of Comedy Khichidi which is a compilation of Dr. Chaturvedi's tried and tested jokes that were originally performed in English and now in Hindi.This was performed in the Canvas Laugh Club Mumbai.
Here Dr. Jagdish talks about how stereotypical the process of preparing and giving examinations is in the new video exams ki taiyaree. Watch and share this exam funny videos with your friends. Video perfactly describe situation about funny situaions during exams and one of the best student funny videos in Hindi and among top rated latest hindi comedy videos of 2018.
video contain many situation about sir and student funny situations , exams and student funny situations. watch and share with your friends.
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